About EJTC
Our Vision and Structure
Our Vision is to offer the finest trades training possible, to support national standards and ensure a strong electrical Industry.
Committee / Board Members
The Electrical Joint Training Committee (EJTC) is comprised of five union Directors from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 213, four contractor Directors from the Electrical Contractors Association of British Columbia (ECA of BC) and one contractor Director from the Marine Employers. The Directors provide their services on a voluntary basis without remuneration.
- IBEW Local 213: The IBEW Local 213 is responsible for organizing in their jurisdiction, for collective bargaining, and for representing their members in matters arising out of employer/employee relationships.
- ECA of BC: The ECA of BC is a province-wide organization working for the advancement of the electrical contracting industry.
IBEW Local 213 Representatives
- Mike Logan EJTC Secretary-Treasurer
- Jim Lofty EJTC President-Chair
- Mandeep Saggu
- Darren Danbrook
- TBA (Marine Sector)
ECA of BC Representatives
- Dustin Christensen, Canem Systems, Vice President
- Trevor Johnstone, Houle Electric
- Brian Beddow, Western Pacific Enterprises
- Doug Murray, Mott Electric
Marine Sector Management Representatives
- Doug McLaren, Allied Shipyards
IBEW Local 213 Director Candidate
ECA of BC Director Candidate
- Calvin Comfort, Bemister Electric
Marine Sector Management Director Candidate
Our Sponsoring Partners
The EJTC is the training and apprenticeship arm of the unionized electrical sector in B.C.’s Lower Mainland and Okanagan. Governed by a joint board representing the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213, the Electrical Contractors Association of BC and the BC Shipbuilding sector, the EJTC is a leader in apprenticeship, training, and innovation. We take pride in the quality of our programs, delivery of training, management of over 750 apprentices, and of course, our state of the art training facility. IBEW 213 is a B.C.-based union local with more than 5,000 members. It is part of an international union with more than 750,000 members. IBEW 213 negotiates with electrical contractors and other employers to set wages and working conditions for IBEW members. It also works with employers to create safe worksites and advance the interests of women and other under-represented groups. The IBEW 213 office is the home of the BC Centre for Women in the Trades. The ECABC’s members includes the leading electrical contractors in the B.C. construction industry. The agreements between the union and contractors provide a steady stream of funding for the EJTC’s training operations.